That Coffee – Is It Worth It?

Some Brands Are Worth Extra $$, Some Are Not

When it comes to coffee, I’m pretty serious about what I brew!  So when I’m in the mood for a pot ‘o java, or even a French press of the GOOD stuff, I wanna know that I’m getting the best for my money!  According to the site “Eat This, Not That” there are some once-great brands that have fallen from grace.  And others that were never that great to begin with.  Personally, I’ve been loving this “Palo Duro – Medium Roast” from Journey’s coffee shop over in Canyon.  To my taste buds, there’s not a better-tasting bean in the state! But, sadly, not all brands make the Top Grade.  Here’s a list of inferior coffees:

1. Yuban – We used to not mind paying a little extra for Yuban, but they don’t use 100% Colombian beans anymore.

2. Green Mountain – They made good coffee until they got all corporate.  Now they’re just the official coffee for Keurig machines, and they use inferior blends.

3. Maxwell House – Probably the coffee I first fell in love with.  It was -THE- coffee at my Grandmother’s kitchen in Memphis, TX.  But they basically survive on name recognition now.  They use cheap beans that tend to be bitter.  This is NOT my grandmother’s Maxwell House!

4. Nescafé – Face it. Nescafe was never great, but a tweak to the ingredients a few years ago made it worse.

5. Folgers – They say “not great, but decent.”  The claim that it’s “mountain grown” is misleading though.  Coffee grown at high altitudes tends to be better.  But “mountain grown” can also include the base of a mountain, near sea level. So…whatever.  (Honorable Mention – Folgers “Black Silk” is the best Folgers has to offer.  If you brew it properly, you can manage to get a decent cup).

6. Dunkin’ Keurig-Cups – It’s not what’s served at Dunkin’ Donuts, which they say is actually decent.  Same brand name, different beans. C’mon, gang!  You -have- the good stuff…now MAKE the good stuff!

7. McCafé at Home – Same as Dunkin’.  This stuff”s the same in name only. It’s not what they serve at McDonald’s.

8.  Seattle’s Best – Starbucks bought it in 2003.  Now it’s their “value” brand.

So!  What can a coffee lover do?  Try the Starbucks beans, grind it yourself and use a press.  Now you’re getting a decent cup!  I like their “French Roast” and “Sumatra”. OR! Make the quick drive over to Journey Coffee in Canyon and pick up a bag of Journey’s “Palo Duro – Medium Roast”.  Go home and grind a 1/4 cup of beans, make yourself a heavy, dark French press, and enjoy the best cup of coffee you can get here in the Texas Panhandle!

But that’s just my opinion.  It’s all based on what YOU prefer.  So let me know! Have you found something amazing out there?  I’d love to discover your favorite!
