Where To Binge The Top 10 Classic TV Shows!

Curling Up And Binge-Watching A Favorite TV Show Is Comforting! Here’s Where You Can find 10 of the very best.

1. Seinfeld – The show about nothing can currently be found on Hulu (as of August, 2020).  However, all 180 episodes of Seinfeld will be moving to Netflix next year, in 2021.

2.  Andy Griffith Show – Is on several streaming platforms!  Whistle your way through Mayberry with Andy, Barney, Opie, Aunt Bea and all your favorites on Amazon Prime, among others.

3. Twilight Zone – Jeez, where can you NOT find Rod Serling’s original “Twilight Zone”!  I’ve been watching it on Hulu.

4. Dick Van Dyke Show – Recently, when creator Carl Reiner passed away, I watched a marathon of the best Dick Van Dyke show episodes and loved every minute!  They’re on Hulu and Amazon, as well as a few other lower-tier streaming platforms.  Enjoy!

5.M*A*S*H – Watch all 251 episodes on Hulu!  This is a great show for an overnight binge because of the soft intro song.  It won’t wake you up, I guarantee! Hawkeye, Radar, Margaret ‘Hot Lips’ Houlihan, Colonel Potter, Trapper John, Frank Burns, Klingerand all the rest are all standing at attention, waiting for you!

6. Mary Tyler Moore Show – This is my “Classic TV Blanket”.  Whenever I miss my family, or wish the times weren’t changing quite so fast, I watch a few episodes of The Mary Tyler Moore show.  After all, who can turn the world on with her smile?  Mary can!  And she’s on Hulu. Ready to take our nothing date and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile!

7.Cheers – Are you a fan of the ‘Coach Seasons’ or the ‘Woody Years’?  ‘Diane’ or ‘Rebecca’?  One thing’s for sure.  Sam is always there.  So are Cliff and Norm (with his Milkbone Underwear!). You can find the gang on Hulu.

8. 1070s “Saturday Night Live – I really am tired of hearing people say “It used to be funny…”.  Well, if they mean The Original Cast, you can find episodes of those great mid-70s seasons on Hulu.  Now go…enjoy!!

9. Star Trek – The Original Series with Captain Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Uhura, Scotty, Chekov and the poor sad sacks in the red shirts are all on Netflix -and- Hulu!  Take you pick, and beam me up!

10. I Love Lucy – Lucy, Ricky, Fred & Ethel are even funnier now than the last time you watched ’em!  This show ages like a fine bourbon.  And all 6 seasons are in glorious black-and-white on Hulu!

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